Page 1218 — Egregious Educator
"Um, actually, in the original Scholastic / American distribution of the Harry Potter books with illustrations by Mary GrandPre–" Get outta here, I looked that up already.
Transcript:DM: Cozy Glow approaches the Headmare's desk.
Gallus (RD): And then the real mastermind turns the chair around dramatically?
DM: Well… Sure. If that's what you want to think. The chair turns and seated there is a pale unicorn with a slick black mane and a goatee. Known to some as Chancellor Neighsay of the Equestria Education Association, or the EEA.
Smolder (RT): I see that the pony puns continue…
Sandbar (AJ): You make it sound like we should know him.
Silverstream (PP): Can someone else say "Snape" so I don't have to?
Gallus (RD): Snape didn't have a goatee.
DM: <ahem> You all recognize him from your first week at the School of Friendship. He's been a vocal detractor of the School of Friendship since day 1. He's tried to have the entire school shut down, and on one occasion nearly succeeded.
Ocellus (TS): Why?
DM: Long story short: Because a certain five of you were attending.
Yona (FS): Yaks may be proud, but yaks are at least not bigots.
Silverstream (PP): Wow. Snape would've just tried to expel us, not shut down the school!
Gallus (RD): It's the goatee, I'm tellin' ya…