Page 1224 — Blank Flank Redemption
Kind of a Player Character move to make, honestly. "No no, that ugly tactic goes against my personal scruples. Let's go start an international incident and potentially a years-long war instead."
Transcript:DM: Since none of you are willing – and more importantly able – to fess up to your "crimes," he tosses you all in an empty dorm to he held in arrest.
Chancellor Neighsay: Until you either explain your nefarious plot or return the magic you stole, you will stay here.
Smolder (RT): Err, slight problem with that…
Chancellor Neighsay: Come noon tomorrow, should you still refuse to cooperate, I will be forced to take drastic measures.
Silverstream (PP): Woah woah woah. These aren't the drastic measures that involve, like, pain, right?
Smolder (RT): Or mental coercion?
Sandbar (AJ): You realize we're still teenagers?
Chancellor Neighsay: Oh, please. This is Equestria. We're ponies, not barbarians.
Yona (FS): A-hem!
Gallus (RD): Wha– You literally– But Rainbow Dash!!
Chancellor Neighsay: I will simply contact your leaders, tell them what you did, and have you sent home.
Ocellus (TS): Tell them what we "did?" As in, accuse five species of deleting magic?!
Yona (FS): Other yaks will declare war! Again!
Chancellor Neighsay: Then I guess you'd better undo it.