@BackgroundLoLDoes the country were Equestria Girls takes place (equivalent to US?), uses Runic? The script on the map seems largely written in runic, with the not fitting symbols, seem to be changed/evolved runic letters.
One could argue it’s written in "pseudo-runic", as the text is encrypted, but Sunset read the text before, and it was readable, it just didn’t make sense. It also doesn’t seem Sunset can only read it, due to being from Equestria, as Pinkie and Sci-Twi don’t seem confused by it.
Did Vikings found the US, or equivalent in the Equestria Girls world? Or conquered Europe, or it’s equivalent, causing a shift from Latin to a Runic writing system?
To be fair, it’s at least as probable the script on the map is "preudo-runic", to make it more language-neutral.
not provided yet