Page 1344 — Improbable Force
27th Feb 2020, 6:00 AM
Author: GreatDinn
Guest Author's Note: "Immovable Objects in the vicinity of a Pinkie Pie or Pinkie Pie-like figure have a tendency to step aside and just let what's going to happen, happen.
Those that don't end up regretting it. Those that do also tend to regret it, but in a resigned manner.
This pattern applies equally to player characters and GMs. I hope I do not have to spell out which is which."
Transcript:Twilight Sparkle: Okay, yes. Your DM felt like you weren’t having fun, so they asked my DM for advice. My game got canceled, so I came over to help. Sorry.
RD: Yeah, that’s kinda what we figured. We might not know D&D, but we aren’t stupid. Still…THAT’S A HUUUUUGE RELIEF! I thought for sure our DM was just bored of playing with a bunch of scrubs like us!
Twilight Sparkle: Well…that wasn’t the reaction I was expecting.
PP: I figured I should get out the dramatics when we came back in.
AJ: An’ ah thoroughly disagreed with that plan. But you try stoppin’ her.