An illustration of Fallout: Equestria.
The armor LittlePip wearing is Canterlot Police Armor, I get inspiration from Fallout: New Vegas Dead Money DLC.
Enjoy it.:) (Smile)
Spoilers warning.
The center of the explosion was a glorious greenish-gold so bright it seemed to sear my eyes, lingering in my vision long after I had looked away. From that epicenter erupted a ring of spectral light, riding an enormous shockwave, rippling with strange colors like a toxic rainbow.
The missiles chasing Ditzy Doo were bucked backwards, exploding in the air yards behind her. Molten payloads discharged in plumes of eldritch hellfire, burning the sky above and below Ditzy Doo; but even as they missed, the force of the twin detonations slammed into the ghoul like she was made of rags. Ditzy Doo’s body somersaulted, peppered with shrapnel, and plummeted — unconscious or dead — towards the ground. She was no longer glowing.
But the bursts of fire and energy from the missiles were barely noticed in the fury of what Ditzy Doo had unleashed. The ear-splitting crack of her feat drowned out their pitiful explosions. The shockwave blasted through the air, tearing off roofing from the few buildings in New Appleloosa not made of train cars, scattered debris, and tore the Enclave pegasi out of the sky.
Well, there’s only one way t’ clear an area that big that fast, Calamity had told me when I asked about removing part of the cloud curtain. An’ that’s with a sonic rainboom.
The realization of what I was seeing struck me, half-formed in my brain, as the shockwave knocked the four Enclave Raptors away from the city as the ring of unearthly light washed over them, tearing away their clouds. The Raptors used clouds as integral components for their locks, their computers, structural elements… and the storm clouds that kept them aloft. The mighty Enclave warships crumbled as they fell.
Fallout:Equestria — Chapter Forty: Sonic Rad-Boom