Page 1361 — Garbage Rolls
7th Apr 2020, 6:00 AM
Author: GreatDinn
Guest Author's Note: "Despite all the general categories D&D skills give you, it sure does feel like they don't cover nearly enough. There are many a time where I'm DM-ing and a challenge comes up, and I have zero clue what the proper skill would actually be. It's even worse when the process is clearly something that requires some skill, and a raw stat is just not acceptable. It's one of those things that you have to sort of play by ear, and discuss with the players. It almost turns into a game in and of itself, sometimes. 'Can you justify to the DM why this is an Athletics check?' complete with point and counterpoint by the other players.
Honestly, I'm glad that those situations pop up, troublesome as they can be. They usually lead to interesting and or hilarious arguments. If nothing else, it gives you a chance to see how your players or DM think about the game world, and the mechanics.
Which is useful blackmail for future games!
Story Time: What's the worst justification you've seen for a skill being used on a check?"
Newbiespud's Note: After three months of insanity, I'm finally back in the GM seat for session two of our Stars Without Number campaign (with a twist), Voyages of the Takeout!
Session 2 — Weekend at Denny's: Podcast | Video
Transcript:MD: Okay, um…give me a sec to figure something out.
Twilight Sparkle: Any cleaning supplies near the gym, perhaps?
MD: There’s probably a broom closet, sure. Yea, let’s start with trash detail, I guess. Let’s try collective rolls. Successes and failures pule up between all of you.
RT: So we’re going to clean, is it?
AJ: Well, you ain’t charmin’ yer way out of this one.
RT: Because the tricks only work on you, darling.
MD: For trash, let’s say half of you roll Strength, and half of you roll Dex. I’ll say if you pass.
RD: I call Dex! <roll> She shoots!
MD: She scores.
RT: Ah, Dexterity for me as well? <roll>
MD: Nope.
RT: Even fictional, this is dreadful.
PP: Strength for me, I guess! <roll>
MD: Not strong enough.
PP: I die as I lived: Covered in trash.
Twilight Sparkle: I’ll leave the last Dex roll for Fluttershy. <roll> Huh. Nat 20.
MD: Given that Strength is not a…strength of yours, I think your incredible effort gets some attention, and help.
AJ: How’s a 23 do?
MD: Well, it’s one away from your highest possible roll, so…It do very good. Everyone here is impressed and or scared of your mad lifts.
AJ: As they should be!