A few weeks ago I made this image with just the top line. Some people in the comments inspired me to write a parody of the entire song. So here it is.
Covid-19, parody of Winter Wrap Up. New lyrics by Proof Positive
Three months of spreading virus
Is shutting down this land
Celestia said stay at home
All travel has been banned
But the food we've stored is runnin' out
And the Walmart shelves are bare
And we practice social distancing
'Cause germs are everywhere
It's time to take this seriously,
It's spreading far and wide
And I know this isn't any fun,
But we must stay inside
What can we do? Let's make a list
Everypony play their part
I know it won't be very easy,
But now's the time to start!
Covid-19, Covid-19
If we work hard we'll stamp this out
Covid-19, Covid-19
We can do it, there's no doubt!
We can do it, there's no doubt!
Everypony's pointing hooves
They're blaming the left or right
But we've got bigger problems now
We don't have time to fight
We'll help our friends
And the ponies in our town
We will lift them up
As we bring the numbers down
Covid-19, Covid-19
If we work hard we'll stamp this out
Covid-19, Covid-19
We can do it, there's no doubt!
Covid-19, Covid-19
We can do it, there's no doubt!
We can do it, there's no doubt!
Don't forget to wash your hooves
And cover every sneeze
If you're sick you should stay at home
Or you could spread disease
Equestria is quarantined
Even Ponyville
We'll pitch in and work together
And we'll get through this, we will!
Covid-19, Covid-19
If we work hard we'll stamp this out
Covid-19, Covid-19
We can do it, there's no doubt!
Covid-19, Covid-19
We can do it, there's no doubt!
We can do it, there's no doubt!
You've got to know what are the signs,
Learn what it's about
And if you catch it in time
You should make it out
Fever, cough, and trouble breathing
Needing a lot of rest
If you're showing all of these
Then you should get the test!
Covid-19, Covid-19
If we work hard we'll stamp this out
Covid-19, Covid-19
We can do it, there's no doubt!
Covid-19, Covid-19
We can do it, there's no doubt!
We can do it, there's no doubt!
Stop buying everything in sight
You'll make it worse with greed
Leave face masks and other things
For those who really need
I know it sucks to be on lockdown
And stay inside to play
You've now watched Avengers: Endgame
Seven times today
Seven times today!
Covid-19, Covid-19
If we work hard we'll stamp this out
Covid-19, Covid-19
We can do it, there's no doubt!
Covid-19, Covid-19
We can do it, there's no doubt
We can do it, there's no doubt
We can do it, there's no doubt!
not provided yet