Welcome to a Project of mine for 2020.. That is to draw an MLP character on a Daily Basis in the year of 2020.
How this works?.. Everyday I pick a name at random from a Tub I am using.. Whatever character gets drawn out, that is the character I draw that day.
So if you are wondering when your Favourite will get drawn out.. The answer is simple.. I don't know.. It could be any day now or it may not be till the end of the year.
So for January 1st we have Skedaddle, he gets the honour of being that annoying Idiot in the comments section that shout's FIRST!!
Skedaddle of course made his debut in the episode Marks and Recreation where he was part of CMC's camp in Fillys and Colts looking for their Cutie Marks till Rumble decides to convince them that getting their Cutie Mark is a bad thing.
We would see him again in the episode "Last Crusade" showing the CMC that he finally got his Cutie Mark which suggests he is good with Rope, Hence Why I Drew him with Rope here.
My suspicions are he is the younger Brother of Minuette.. Similar Colour and seen together.. I know some may say Mum but come on.. Not every character needs to be a Mum.
Anyway congrats to Skeedaddle on beating 365 Characters to January 1sts Spot.
Who is Tomorrows character?, well the draw has been done so here are some clues.
We have ourselves a Background Stallion.
Though normally a Male this character has also been seen in Female form as well and although commonly an Earth Pony has also been seen as a Pegasus and Unicorn too.
In fan works he is sometimes shipped with a Mane Sixer.