This is but one frame of Sunbutter trying to grasp what is going on and feeling quite scared and vulnerable. The rest of the time she would be jumping around like a literal bouncy ball planning a 'the day that everpony switched genders' party and how she would organise that annually. Though most ponies would prefer this never happened i expect and certainly wouldn't like an yearly event reminding them of such. She darted about giving them unwanted exposition and commentary on the event that unfolded to the horror of most and causing much frustration and discomfort to the rest. After a few stern looks she realised that she was upsetting her friends so she trotted away deflated literally and sought to cheer everypony up and lighten their spirits during the adversity.
Done by :iconrainbowtashie:
Upvotes at import: 33 | Stars at import: 22 Posted previously at: 2020-08-27T09:23:14 | Posted previously by: BigOnionbean
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