*Flash Sore Twilight from a Distance he's Heart Pumped as he Ran Towards her and hug her with Embrace. Twilight eyes widen as she began to Blush Bright Red, twilight Began to Stumbled on her Words as her Heart Pumped Harder.
Twilight stare at Flash as her eyes sparkled and stared at he's face as her hoofs began shaking as she stared into flash Face and hes Handsome Blue eyes.
*Flash did the Same, but twilight shock her head and was the first to speak!!
Twilight — oh Hey Splash oh I Mean Flash How Are YoU? *Twilight face palms while blushing from embarrassment
Flash entry giggled as he put he's hoof on twilight cheek. Flash smiled as he Grab her Hoof and ask her if she wanted to go Flying With Him!!
Flash — Hey Its okay Twilight *Grabs her Hoof maybe if you want to go flying me!! maybe that will clear our Minds
*Twilight Blushed as she thought about she could a chance to tell Flash she loved him. Twilight smiled and toke Flash Hoof as he flew up high in the sky. twilight began to get close to flash as her heart pumped harder then ever, Flash also began to do the same, so flash grabbed twilight as he wrapped has hoof around her.
*Flash Smirked as he stare into twilight eyes as the sun was coming down. Flash Got close to Twilight as twilight blushed bright red as flash said to twilight which made her blush more.
Flash — twilight I am Your Prince Charming!!
*Twilight blushed as she Smiled as she leaned close to Flash. Flash Blush as said something to Flash.
Twilight — and I'm your Princess!!
*Flash smiled as he lean closer as well, Flash said Quietly to twilight!!
Flash — Princess May I kiss You?
Twilight Blushed as she smiled as she went closer to Flash Face!!
Twilight — You May My Prince!!
Flash smiled as he lean in to kiss twilight. Twilight kissed Flash straight Away as the moon rise Behind them. Flash kissed Twilight Back It was the best Moment of there Lives.
This Song is Perfect For them lol — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iquhBgM-Qv0