Suuuuuuuure, let's leave Rainbow Dash in charge of the equines-turned-humans inside of a room full of chemicals that they're unfamiliar with. What could possibly go wrong!
Told you guys this was turning into a manga.
Sorry I went for the obvious meaning of today's prompt rather than a more profound "there's chemistry between them" meaning. I'm not very smart :'B And just to come clean: the stuff in front of them is taken from a screenshot and modified cause I was running out of time, and the background is the same one I used for this comic, but edited.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This will be my last upload this week. I'll start posting the 4 remaining days (which are artworks rather than comics) by the end of next week. But Angy and I will keep seeing and adding other entries to the group for the rest of the month, in case someone needs more time. We'll do a compilation of all the entries we receive at the beginning of next month, as usual.
Upvotes at import: 41 | Stars at import: 29 Posted previously at: 2020-09-03T12:24:33 | Posted previously by: Alphamon_Ouryuken
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