Some doodles of Splendor, her father, and her uncle. Here, as a filly, she is at about 6 or 7, and then in her late 20s as she's seen in the Athenaverse. She knows she's a beautiful mare, but doesn't boast or brag about it. Instead, she uses her knowledge of makeup, fashion, and self-care to help encourage others around her.
And here we finally see Happy and Fancy, side-by-side. Fancy is the older of the two by three years. He certainly took more to high-society life than his little brother, who always thirsted for adventure. For a few years they were estranged, until Happy's first wife Glitter helped them mend their bonds. To this day, they visit when they can and write often.
Upvotes at import: 20 | Stars at import: 12 Posted previously at: 2020-09-09T09:17:51 | Posted previously by: Mildgyth
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