On This perticular day, 8 years prior. I found a picture that would forever change things for me. It was a picture of a giant season 1 Luna in the middle of New York with smoke and fire around.
When i saw that picture, i let the guy who had posted it to remove it or put it in his sta.sh as i thought it was ment to be like 9/11. The guy informed me that he had not made the picture, but had asked for a giant Luna. That was all. He later informed me that it was New York, but not related to 9/11. After telling him that i'd like to see him stay on da and not be removed due to a stupid reason, this guy and I began to talk more and more. Eventually, this little thing, lead to us talking more or less on a daily basis. Getting to meet eachother in real life 3 times in a row. And a high chance of a 4th meeting soon again.
Those 8 years ago, became the start, of my best friendship, evolving into being close like brothers.
Thanks for these 8 years Vance. And here's for atleast another 8 years to come.
Love you, my "small" little brother from America
Lightning Chaser © me and Vanilla Beam © VanillaBeam