For as long as she can remember RT always felt more comfortable and herself in the presence of older mares and dear Glossy Granite is no exception. Although Glossy does have many years of wisdom under her belt she carries with her such a youthful spirit that is truly intoxicating to all that come into contact with her, seemingly breathing new life into old bones with just a smile.
It is no secret that although RT does love her fusion friends very much, social contact does drain the poor girl and she finds she has to recoup for a little while after to charge her batteries, not so however, in the case of Glossy though. Tashie never grows tired of her company and quite often the sweet mare has to actually tell her rainbow maned friend to leave because it got so late and time flew by so quickly when they were together. As you can see here Glossy is probably telling tales of when she was a filly, causing RT to hang off her every word, 'I wonder if Evening Emeralds knows some of these tales' she thought ;) (Wink)
Illustrated and Written by :iconrainbowtashie: