Page 1411 — Nights of the Round
1st Aug 2020, 6:00 AM
One of the many small joys of doing a screencap comic of a cartoon, still true after all these years, is the blink frames. Expressions change instantly, just for a fraction of a second, and never at the same time.
Transcript:DM: Princess Mi Amore Cadenza goes through the rest of her pre-wedding checkup routine, and not much of note happens. Whether she's simply calmed down or has noticed you watching her, it's hard to say. The night falls on the shielded city of Canterlot. Princess Luna ascends to take Celestia's place in watching over their little ponies. Once the six of you have wrapped up your respective tasks for the day, you meet for some refreshing drinks in the evening at a quiet cafe. There hasn't been any other suspicious movement to be seen from your various stations, but there's still a palpable tension in the air as the lockdown continues and the wedding day approaches.
Twilight Sparkle: Alright, girls. Time to decide what we're doing about Cadance.
Applejack: Now *that's* a heck of a loaded sentence…
Rarity: Bit of a cavalier tone when the subject is your potential sister-in-law, at least.
Rainbow Dash: When do we gank her? You thinkin' tonight?