Page 5 — Quest Text
Adventure hooks are probably the most difficult thing to design in a session. It's not enough to get the players motivated — you also need to plan the hook in such a way that the players will naturally pursue the course of action you planned for. Dungeons can be tightly controlled no matter the hook, but more freeform adventures set in populated areas offer almost hundreds of options. Miscalculating the hook might inspire your players to attack the problem in a way you didn't intend.
Transcript:DM: In your studies, Twilight, you’ve come across an alarming prediction: An ancient myth known as "The Mare in the Moon."
Pinkie Pie: Haha! "Canterlot," "Mare in the Moon"… This is going to be pun-TASTIC!
Rainbow Dash: Joy.
DM: "The Mare in the Moon" describes a dark pony of terrible power who wished to rule Equestria. She was banished to the moon with the Elements of Harmony.
DM: The myth claims that "on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about nighttime eternal."
Twilight Sparkle: The longest day of the thousandth year? Is that coming up soon?
DM: Let me put it this way: The day after tomorrow is the Summer Sun Celebration, a holiday for the longest day of the year.
Twilight Sparkle: And…?
DM: And this will be the THOUSANDTH Summer Sun Celebration.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh. So this is bad.