Page 20 — Magic Meets Fashion
Another double-length comic, celebrating 10 * 2.
Stories-in-the-comments time! In today's comic, the DM is playing up a romance between Spike and Rarity, an NPC and a PC. If you like, tell a story about an in-character romance and how it played out (or where it ended horribly, if applicable).
Transcript:DM: You leave Rainbow Dash behind, knowing that the weather is taken care of. Following his checklist, Spike leads you into city hall. Within the great atrium, there is a host of colorful ribbons and banners arranged on the walls in a pleasing, fashionable manner.
Spike: B-Beautiful…
Twilight Sparkle: Okay, okay, I get it. The decorations are nice.
Spike: Not the decorations… Her!
DM: Spike points toward the white unicorn on the stage.
(Spike becomes lovestruck)
Spike: How are my spines? Are they straight?
Twilight Sparkle: Ignoring that. So, you’re… Rarity?
Rarity: Just a moment, please. I’m “getting in the zone,” as ‘twere.
Twilight Sparkle: In the zone?
Applejack: Into her character. Better gear up for some roleplaying.
Rarity: <ahem> Now, um, can I help you- WAAHAAHAAAAAA!
Twilight Sparkle: WHAT?? What is it now?!
Rarity: Oh my stars, DARLING, whatever happened to your coiffure?!
Twilight Sparkle: Uh…
DM: She means your mane. After the mud, rain, and drying, it’s a big poofy mess.
Twilight Sparkle: You two were keeping track of my hair?!
Rarity: I simply can’t have the Official Overseer leave my presence in such a state! Don’t worry. I’ll remedy this nightmare myself.
Twilight Sparkle: It’s… really not a big deal…
Rarity: Nonsense! Off to the boutique.