Page 46 — Some Assembly Required
This is the point when my players start scheming. What will they do once they get the all-powerful artifact? If they aren't openly discussing it, they're at least thinking about it.
If the party can't agree on a course of action, though, they'll end up fighting amongst themselves. So from the DM's perspective, there's balance.
Transcript:Twilight Sparkle: Leeet’s just skip to how the Elements are used.
Reference Guide: Oh, sure. Uh, this is mostly hearsay…
Fluttershy: Hearsay? You mean you’re not sure…?!
Reference Guide: Hey, did you forget the THOUSAND YEARS part? All I got is rumors!
Reference Guide: It is SAID… that the sixth Element is supposed to “spark” the other five. That activates their power.
Twilight Sparkle: That can’t be all of it.
Reference Guide: I’m afraid so… Still, if you get them working, they possess the most powerful magic in Equestria! That’s a fact!
Rarity: That’s not much consolation if the Elements are defunct.
Applejack: Fine by me. Better than Nightmare Moon using them on US.
DM: Hmm… <scribble>
Applejack: If you hadn’t already thought of that, you don’t get to use it.
DM: Aww…
Page 45: >>308554
Page 47: >>2124838