Her parents didn't know what to do. They had never seen anything like this, and neither did the doctors she was taken to. A pony who was about to graduate high school that didn't have a Cutie Mark, it was unheard of. It caused her stress, the thought of not knowing what she was supposed to do, who she was supposed to be. She lost many nights of sleep over it. Around sophomore year, Clarissa had given up. Not having a Cutie Mark hadn't killed her yet, so she just decided to drop her search completely.
Her obsession with Alicorns from her childhood died down as she grew older, and she focused more on the idea of college as she grew older. While her father did get a promotion a few years after she graduated grade school, it wasn't too much and she knew college would be a strain on her parents to pay for as well as herself. During the summers of her high school years, she took on a job stocking shelves at the local supermarket and helping ponies bag their groceries. She was friendly with the older ponies who she assisted, and they seemed appreciative in return. The only issues she had was with sometimes misplacing products due to lack of sleep and one pesky pony from school who seemed insistent on tormenting her about her blank flank.
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