Yona is dressed in typical Yakyakistan bridal finery, including intricately painted henna symbols, while Sandbar wears the finest outfit his mom could find on sale at Ross
Yona and Sandy dated ever since their Pony Pal episode and got married stupid young, to the point where Ponyville folk whispered that there was no way this starry-eyed "marriage" would last longer than three months, tops
except oh hey, Yona and Sandbar stay happily married for the rest of their lives, they may have rushed into things but that's just because they REALLY love each other. They are that obnoxious couple, all nose nuzzles and smoochies and loud public serenades even after decades of marriage
Interspecies relationships aren't taboo in Equestria, but they do tend to earn some strange looks, especially the higher you go up the socioeconomic ladder (Ponies of nobility, especially the older demographic, are very fixated on preserving "pure bloodlines"). As we see in the show, ponies are pretty ethnocentric, and have a habit of viewing other species as brutes, dullards, and misers, all in need of "saving" through the power of friendship. Other species find this extremely patronizing. Fortunately, pony attitudes are changing as the population of non-pony citizens steadily grows in Equestria. Sandbar has heard just about every joke about his big yak wife, and has exactly zero patience for it. His preferred strategy for dealing with these comedians is blinking innocently at them and asking them to explain the joke. The vibe gets awkward fast.
Yona is the niece of Prince (now King) Rutherford, but she may as well be his daughter, as precious as she is to him. She is considered minor royalty. Yona privately worried that Uncle Rutherford would scorn her choice of puny pony mate, but Sandbar was met with welcoming (crushing) arms. Rutherford offered an all-expense-paid luxury wedding in his palace, but Yona and Sandy politely declined, opting instead to wed on the beach, where they'd spent most of their dates. (These dates consisted largely of Sandy playing his ukulele while Yona sang…..I'll leave it up to you to decide if Yona's singing voice is sweet or ear-grating. Either way Sandbar thinks she's got the most beautiful voice in the world.)
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