Three of them were sitting around a table, while the fourth was standing on top of it. Although Sunset hadn’t met any of them, aside from Fluttershy earlier that day, she recognized the girl on the table as the one who was on the soccer team.
“And then whoosh! I jumped over the Shadowbolt player, and –”
“Rainbow, what do ya think you’re doin’?” Applejack asked as they approached.
Rainbow looked unamused by the interruption. “Trying to tell the story of last night’s game!”
“Uh, you do know we were all there, don’tcha?” Applejack asked. She shook her head and gestured to Sunset before Rainbow could answer. “Everyone, this is Sunset Shimmer, a friend of mine from middle school. Sunset, ya already met Fluttershy, and this is Rarity and Pinkie Pie.” She gestured towards each of her seated friends in turn.
Rainbow folded her arms and frowned at Applejack. “Forgetting someone?”
“Nope. I’m just not sure I want to admit that I’m friends with someone who stands on top of a table while she’s wearing a skirt.”