“So Horizon believes Night Light and Spike about the smelling out gems thing. For litterally years. They tell their friends about it one day, and their freinds are all, “No way, you made that up it isn’t true."
And Horizon’s all, "Nuh uh! My grandpa and uncle showed me, they really did smell out those gems!”
Eventually it gets back to Velvet, who is just, “I can understand Spike, but you’ve raised three kids!” to Night Light.
Along with telling Horizon that their grandpa and uncle are not to be trusted, especially when the two of them are together, of course v.v
Meanwhile, Twi and Sunset can’t be too angry at Night Light, ‘cause, you know. Father(in-law). So instead they berate Spike because brother’s don’t get that easy out shit. “You told my baby what!?”
Honestly Horizon probably thought it was kinda funny, but mommas are fierce, yo '”