Gotta say, this one was a really long brew. Several months of on and off work went into this, with me experimenting with new techniques I'd never tried before and facing the nightmare-ish ordeal that is drawing things in perspective. Despite the hurdles I had to go through, I think overall this was a very satisfying piece to make and tinker with. Pretty sure I improved my art skills by a significant amount after having done this one lmao.
Oh yeah, this was made as a commission for a client. Although it took a while to make, I think it was well worth their time! Cheers!
—————- Useful Links —————-
Youtube — (Where my main project(s) are at!) Discord — (My personal server! People here are the most up to date with what I upload!) Twitter — (Where I tend to upload my art/music/thoughts etc.) Soundcloud — (Where I upload my music and soundtrack for MLT.)
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