A newsreel begins on the screen. Celestica’s sun cutie mark appears with the words “Equestrian Federation Network” under it, while inspiring music plays in the background.
Narrator: Young ponies from all over Equestria are joining up to fight for the future.
Young recruit: I’m doing my part.
Another young recruit repeats: I’m doing my part.
A small filly comes out of the crowd: I’m doing my part to.
The rest of the recruits laugh.
Narrator: There doing their part. Are you? Join the Earth Pony infantry and save Equestria. Service guarantees citizenship.
Would you like to know more?
Narrator: Changelings have sent another meteor towards Equestia. But this time we are ready.
An image is shown of a meteor being blown-up by a powerful sunray.
Narrator: Equestrian defenses are better than ever.
Would you like to know more?
Narrator: Klandathu, the source of the changeling’s meteor attacks. To ensure the safety of Equestria, Klandathu must be eliminated. We take you now live to where the invasion has begun.
A pony war correspondent appears on the screen. Solder ponies run behind him franticly shouting at each other amidst the chaos. – Move, move, move, come on!!!
The Journalist shouts at the camera: We have just landed in big K for the invasion! Its an ugly planet, a changeling planet. A planet…
Before he could finish, one of the changelings came from behind him and tore him apart in front of the camera.
The footage ends….
An advertisement plays instead:
Twilight Sparkle appears infront of the screen. – If you think you have magical potential… maybe you do. Narrator: Federal studies are being conducted in your community.
Would you like to know more?
Mean while, aboard one of the mother ships.
A new recruit walks with his papers towards a locker room. One of the ponies stops him. – Papers. – He gives her the sheet. – Yeah just transferred here, I hear your boss is a real nut-job. The Pony swiftly punches the recruit. – No pony talks like that about the lieutenant that way! She saved my life. — Mine to. – Another solder says with pride and respect. — Same for me. Me to. – More Ponies continue. – Stand by! Attention on deck! – One of the ponies yells out.
Everyone Stands straight and salutes.
In walks an orange colored pony with a prosthetic metal hoof and a scarred apple cutie mark on her flank.
She walks by the disciplined ponies and looks at the new recruit.
Apple Jack: This is for you new ponies. I only have one rule. Every pony fights, no pony quits. If you do then ill shoot you. You get me?
We get you mam! – The ponies yell out in unison.
Apple Jack: Welcome to the Rotten Apples. We are the best there is.
Ho ha! – They yell out again.
Apple Jack: Every pony gear up, we drop at o five hundred. Come on! Move move move! You pack of mules! You wanna live forever!?