So I don't know a lot of the character dynamics from G5, but one thing that sticks in my head that I've seen is the character Posey Bloom, who is normally, ah, very stand-off-y to everyone else, in fanart being apologetic / sympathetic, and there are just comments below saying "Who are you and what have you done with Posey?" and other things to that effect.
And I dunno, that just kind of reminds me of the Missy arc in Series 10 of Doctor Who; in particular, this is based off of the ending scene of the episode "Empress of Mars", with Hitch as the 12th Doctor, Sprout as Nardole, Izzy as Bill, and Posey as Missy. (Also wearing the Mistress-esque outfit from Rarity Investigates, because it's just so on-brand for Missy, I think)