Page 331 — Prisoner's Dilemma
Author: Path Finder
Guest Author's Note: "In some groups, most players have a hidden agenda. Sometimes even goals that right out oppose the rest of the group (like sabotaging the search for the Gold City in a steampunk setting, because it will destabilize the economy of the character's homeland). These days everybody in my group suspects everybody else, which does not prevent us from working together for most of the time. Tell the story of character working secretly against the party because he was replaced by doppelganger, bribed, or just likes messing with GM expectations."
Transcript:DM: And… Rainbow Dash is down. Your turn, Fluttershy. Do you heal her? Fluttershy?
Twilight Sparkle: That doesn't look good.
Applejack: How do they keep finding us?
Twilight Sparkle: I don't know! What do we do?
Applejack: The same thing we always do. We kick back! You're a mighty strong wizard, Twi, and I can keep them at a distance. We can do this!
Twilight Sparkle: Thanks! This was just what I needed.
Applejack: No problem. You still got that Sleep spell? What in the hay is this?!!
Twilight Sparkle: This is my true form! I'm a changeling; I replaced your friend weeks ago.
Applejack: Changeling?
DM: It's like a doppelganger, but it also feeds on the positive emotions of others.
Twilight Sparkle: Yes, and now, thanks to your reassurance, I will take you down and consume the essence of the Elements of Harmony!
Applejack: You teamed up with the DM against the party!
Twilight Sparkle: Sorry…
DM: Hey! Her character was captured and it was my idea to get her back in the game. To be honest, I didn't expect her to be that good at sabotaging you.
Rarity: Well, that was nice backstabbing on your part, but… I'm afraid your effort was futile. From the very beginning of this story, I collaborated with Princess Luna. I managed to replace all but one Element with this fabulous, but powerless jewelry.
Rainbow Dash: Another one? Who else here has a secret agenda?
Rarity: Now all the power of Harmony except Laughter is in the hooves of Luna. And mine, as her most trusted agent.
DM: Well, that is everybody. Now we can see the outcome.
Twilight Sparkle: Good. I can still devour your Element.
Pinkie Pie: No problem. It's in my saddlebags. You can take it.
DM: Wait a minute! Didn't you throw your saddlebags into the lava in the temple?
Twilight Sparkle: WHAT?
Pinkie Pie: Oh, yeah! I suspected that something was fishy, but I didn't know what. So I destroyed my Element because no evil, plot-scheming meanie would predict that.
DM: But why haven't you told me?
Pinkie Pie: That would defeat the purpose, silly!
DM: Well, that means the other Elements no longer function until a new Element of Laughter is forged. So…
Twilight Sparkle: This is ridiculous. I change back to Twilight's form and blast her.
DM: Princess Luna will not be pleased. And neither will Queen Chrysalis. They don't have any use for the Elements now. And neither do you, for that matter. I guess both deals are off.
Rarity: What should I do?
Applejack: Well, if you're done with scheming… I suggest fighting for your life.
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