"After falling victim to a mischievious Cait Sidth magician from the Everfree Forest, Fluttershy finds herself repeatedly transforming into a strong, confident and gung-ho red mare with the size and strength of Big Macintosh. Going by the name Tiger Lily, Fluttershy tries to find a way to break her curse, but as time goes on, will she find that she doesn't want to undue the curse after all?"
An image I did for an upcoming fanfic idea: What if Fluttershy kept turning into a She-Hulk version of herself, becoming a boisterous bruiser that could put Rainbow Dash to shame? Would she get back to her true self, or would she become "lost" in her new Tiger Lily identity?
As for what's going on, Fluttershy is in the Everfree Forest in the dead of the night, being confronted by some deadly denizen of the forest. Having morphed into Tiger Lily, she's egging it on, daring it to try and come at her.
Upvotes at import: 14 | Stars at import: 12 Posted previously at: 2012-06-18T06:17:51 | Posted previously by: TricornKing
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