It was at that moment that princess cadance was ready to release her full extent of her full power towards princess celestia. the two had a firece battle over who was taking shining armor as husband to her mare. it was almos near sunset as the battle raged on with princess celetsia having the upper hand in the death defying rage of fierce magnitude. Princess cadance had harnessed and harvested her extremely deadly combo flasher, THE TERRORIZING KARATE NIPPLE TECHNIQUE OF TERROR, and princess celetsia was not ready for such a dangerous attack. She shieled her face with her wings as princess cadance battered her with her nipples and kicking around to add extra damage to the salt in the wound. Celestia on the other hand, decided to act fast and countered princess cadance's nipples of fury. She unleashed the COSMIC POWER OF KEGEL MUSCLES OF DOOM. With her nuscles she pinned down cadance and forced her to submit defeat in the endless game of fighting to the death. Princess cadance had no choice but to surrender as her karate nipples shriveled back into a hibernate state. It won't be another several days before she could activate it once again. The wedding went off without conflict again, except princess celestia felt bad about cadance not getting her paralyzed husband, so she let shining and cadance get married and everypony celebrated with a song.
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