Remember the end of season 5?
When Starlight traveled through time, I changed the past and affection many times the future and we arrived at a dark future where everything was destroyed … Was it the work of Cozy Glow? … Anyway, I bring you a stage "What if …? " for season 9 and a possible return for the young villain …
It is rumored that Grogar will return, if Cozy Glow frees him, the future of season 5 could come true … or at least that it is like in Thor Ragnarok where to defeat the villain they have to destroy their beautiful land (or in this case at least the tree of harmony) ….
Well to wait for season 9 …
Honestly, I want the return of King Sombra or Nightmare Moon (It does not have to be Princess Luna, could we say that they separated like Piccolo from Dragon Ball)
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