Twilight always prided herself on her diligence when it came to studying. If there was one pony who could completely throw herself into her work and stay on task, it would be her. Even Twilight's old friends from Canterlot knew how dedicated she was to her books and magic when she was still in Celestia's school, and they were patient enough about it. It was just part of who she was, and Twilight was always happy and at home taking notes, or reciting spells. However, there was something now that was buzzing at her mind, biting at the back of her head like an angry insect.
From where she sat at her book stand, Twilight could feel the presence of another body in the room. She knew who it was, of course, but for some reason, knowing who it was was exactly what was making her wiggle in her seat. She tried to focus again, looking down at the book in front of her and finding that she had indeed lost her place for the fifth time in a row. What was she even reading about again? Right, medical magic..
The unicorn was about ready to turn the page again when she heard a soft 'shhnnn' behind her, making her lavender pelt prickle and her ears flick backwards. Licking her lips nervously, she turned her head to glance over her shoulder, and caught sight of her guest's very long tail shifting over the wood of the floor. It curled around the young draconequus' body as he continued to levitate his book in front of him, eyes flitting back and forth as he read. Twilight swalloed thickly and took the time that he was distracted by his book on ancient runes to study him.
For the son of Discord, Lucius was surprisingly.. well composed. While his father had limbs of all kinds and odd proportions, the only thing unusually shaped in Lucius was the length of his body. He had the forelimbs of a dragon, the hind limbs of an equine, and two symmetrical horns on the top of his head. He /did/ say that he was his father's disappointment. The draconequus wasn't jumbled or dysfunctional at all; inf act, eh was really.. handsome.
Introducing my noodle bby Lucius, Discord's "failure" of a son and Twilight's obvious future hubby~
Discord made him out of loneliness, using a plethora of magic. Unfortunately, after his egg hatched he found that his new son was quite.. unremarkable. No wings for flight, and even though he had body parts of different creatures, they were all symmetrical. Already disappointed, Discord didn't put much gusto or real effort into raising his child, feeling more like a glorified babysitter than an actual father. However, the little one began to grow on him after a while, and he became, more or less, a decent father-figure. He was a fun dad, if nothing else. Lucius himself harbors no hatred or ill-will against his father, though eh does believe he has to pay for his crimes.
Lucius became Celestia's student after Discord's imprisonment, and later her royal adviser. He has immense magical talent and abilities, thanks to his father, but he prefers to study ancient runes and old magics.
There will be more noodle boi soon!