Had a Head-Canonish kind of idea. So spoiler in Season 7 we got The Perfect Pear seeing the Apple Siblings parents for the first time. And we also got A Health Of Information were Fluttershy had to cure Zecora of a deadly terrible disease called Swamp Fever this disease would cause the ponies who had caught it to transform into trees and in the past it was shown that many ponies had caught this disease now its not very clear where this location was but if this was were the Everfree forest was before it was even a forest could this mean that all those ponies who were not lucky enough to be cured be the trees of the Everfree forest and could have this been the case for Pear Butter and Bright Mac another idea I had was that ponies bodies are turned to trees but what happens to there spirits? Could the ghosts of the ponies have been recreated into Timber Wolves there bodies transformed into trees but there spirits reborn as the ghastly form of the wolves of Everfree souls trapped forever as the immortal creatures unable to control themselves unable to know who is friend, foe or even family.