"He seems a bit annoying."
"Oh, you should see him in person. He's just insufferable! Each time he's around when I need to do a quick enchanting job or something, he just zooms around the room poking here and there, sticking his nose right under my hooves."
"Why don't you just tell him to go away and wait while you work?"
"He… he just doesn't mean bad, you know? He's curious, and the way he gets excited, you'd swear it's the first time he even sees magic. It's nice to see someone appreciate your work like that, even if he gets on my nerves."
A commission for RuinedOmega, featuring his enchanter, Ademitia, and the courier, Post Haste.
Also on tumblr
Still image created with inkscape.
The animations were made and exported with aniGen.
Exported with Adasek's SVGRender. Since new Firefox seems to disagree with it, I'm using an old version 11.0.
A nice change from all the happy ponies, and a nice training in timing, motion, and scaling.
You too can make animations with AniGen
Original SVG
As always, I appreciate any comments, criticism and discussion.