Page 147 — Bridging the Gap
Judging by the state of the comments the past couple of weeks, we've got at least a couple of pony RPGs running amongst Friendship is Dragons readers.
One of them, run by my good friend Stairc, has been using a sort of homebrew RPG system specifically tailored for roleplaying via voice chat. It's called Pony Tales, and I've been asked to tell you that the Player's Handbook is now available for public use.
I joined in on the Pony Tales game earlier this week — and I hope to be a regular player in that campaign — so I've got my impressions of the system. Suffice to say, I think it's 1) simple enough to be played online without a hitch, 2) deep enough to make its combat encounters tactically complex, and 3) flavorful enough to really get those creative character-building juices flowing. I highly recommend that you take a look.
On Saturday, I should have a more in-depth opinion to share on Pony Tales. I've also been promised that a DM guide of sorts will have been released by then, so stay tuned.
If you have any questions, I have no doubt Stairc will be more than willing to field them in the comments.
Transcript:Fluttershy: <roll> Um… 3 plus 2 plus 6 equals… 11.
DM: Well… Hmm. Yeah, that’s not good.
Twilight Sparkle: Is it enough? Or is she going to fall?
DM: At this rate…
Applejack: Now hold on a gosh-darn second! You ain’t said how wide this “gap” we’re talkin’ ‘bout is.
DM: It’s the space between two separate cliffs.
Applejack: And there’s a set minimum distance fer those?
DM: I haven’t drawn it out, okay? I didn’t expect you to use this area at all.
DM: …No. You barely manage to get your front hooves on the other side. You’re now balanced precariously over the gap.
Applejack: Ah. Only six feet, then?
DM: Not. Now.