“Papa, Papa! Pwease let me smash rocks with you! I’m all big and-and strong now!” The filly crowed, gazing up at her towering father with determination in her eyes.
Bulk lowered his head as he bellowed, “Oh yeah!? Show me whatcha got!”
The filly took that as her cue and without hesitation, she charged head first into her father’s muzzle. However, despite the impending force of her 2 year old body, she found that the muzzle resisted her head butt with ease. Still, she would not be deterred. Drawing up every last ounce of her strength, she grunted and pushed until she was blue in the face.
Meanwhile, Bulk was just melting over his filly’s adorable display. After the struggle went on for a few more seconds, Bulk gave way and plopped to the ground in defeat. Now it was Smokey who towered over her father with a look of triumph.
“See! I’m super strwong now!” She squeaked.
Holding back his liquid pride, Bulk ruffled her mane as he said, “Yeah you are! But you know what’s even better than smashing rocks?”
Smokey cocked her head. “What?”
“Helping mommy carry in heavy laundry! Only a super strong filly can do that. And you’re a strong filly, right?” he asked, smirking.
“Yeah!” She squealed, copying her father’s tone of voice.
Before Bulk could say another word, his filly bolted in the direction of the back door, screaming ‘Mommy’ the entire way.
Well whatta ya know, it’s a new babbu!