I spent a good couple of hours today making this vector which is going to be used in a wallpaper soon. I feel as though I should comment on the sudden inclusion of vectors. I'll put up a journal post if you really wanna know. Just know that Ive not abandoned wallpapers, but I feel more accomplished with myself if I make the vector for the wallpaper myself as well. I have been contemplating whether or not to upload the standalone vector or if I should just upload the wallpaper when its done.For now I'll upload the vectors separately for two reasons:1) So that others may use them as I used them previously2) So that it is apparent that these vectors are original when used in my own wallpapers.So, here is Rainbow Dash dressed as the leader of the Pegasi Commander Hurricane from the new episode. And I have to say, its my favourite one yet. I'm planning on doing the other two leaders at some point as well as wallpapers of them all. But alas this is rather time consuming, so don't expect them in a hurry !I do not own Rainbow Dash, My Little Pony or any associated products or names, they all belong to Hasbro, Lauren Faust and their respective owners.