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+ artist:roseluck31Tag changes
Aliases: artist:knightoftheraven
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This artist is on the Do-Not-Post List with the following restrictions:
• No Edits People are free to use my works as reference material for their own drawings though. Especially the WIPs. But no tracing: that's still an edit. (more info)
• With Permission Only If it's on Derpibooru, you can post it. If it's not, I don't want it here. (more info)
Aliases: artist:knightoftheraven
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This artist is on the Do-Not-Post List with the following restrictions:
• No Edits People are free to use my works as reference material for their own drawings though. Especially the WIPs. But no tracing: that's still an edit. (more info)
• With Permission Only If it's on Derpibooru, you can post it. If it's not, I don't want it here. (more info)