Guest Author’s Note: "…No, I have no idea what 'Attack Pattern Luna' entails."
Cadenza: Fools! I am NOT the lich! Daring Do: Dang it, we just fell for another illusion. How boring. (beat) Chrysalis: I am Chrysalis! Queen of the Dark Faeries!! Daring Do: Nevermind, this just suddenly became epic. Chrysalis: Haha! Now I have you in my trap! Nurse Redheart: You and what army, sweetie? Diamond Tiara: All the guests turn into faeries. EVIL faeries! And… they’re all going to eat you! Zecora: The guests were all evil? That is most unbelievable! Diamond Tiara: Yeah, but you’re the heroes, so you can TOTALLY take them. Cheerilee: You mean, we actually have a chance? No sudden death trap? Diamond Tiara: Nope! Roll Initiative! Derpy: Bloody awesome!! Trixie: Okay!! Attack Pattern Luna! Ponies, GO!!